Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is weird

Ok, so two mornings in a row I have overslept my alarm by nearly an hour because I was in the middle of dreams in which Martha Stewart was giving me tips on how to live better: this morning it was how to prepare a Thanksgiving feast. Yesterday? Organizing my home.

Any bets on what tomorrow might be? 


Katie says: "How to crash P. Diddy's birthday party and take inappropriate drunk pictures with horse lamps."

She's referring to this picture:

Although Martha doesn't need to crash P. Diddy's parties--she gets an invite. Probably hand-delivered. Because she's just that badass.


  1. Getting a life, I hope.

    Or better yet, how to crash P. Diddy's birthday party and take inappropriate drunk pictures with horse lamps.

  2. You may think that Martha is holding a cigarette in her hand, but it is actually a chocolate stick dipped in dragée!
