Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Sketches

The Seedless--er, Headless!--the Headless Horseman rides again!

Katie and I saw this smashed up watermelon on the way to school on Halloween Eve Day and somehow it became this story about the Headless Horseman's penchant for intricate pumpkin carving, and his heated rivalry with Martha Stewart, stemming mostly on her blatant rip-off of his whole "Ghostly Equestrian" deal (see below, and yes, that is Martha Stewart).

Also, I just like the idea of the Headless Horseman going to the grocery store and discovering they're out of pumpkins which he would otherwise throw at scrawny schoolteachers. But, you know, watermelons will do (see above).


Possibly the thing I love most about Halloween is seeing people in costume in the most mundane of places, like descending the stairs in the metro station, capes flowing theatrically behind.


  1. You've had a lot of practice drawing watermelons lately, and why not, they're one of the more attractive fruits

  2. Agreed, Nige.

    However, I really would have liked to see a comic of the Headless Horseman carving a pumpkin, or stealing pumpkins off of people's porches and playing Nicky-Nicky-Nine-Door.
