Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Post #40

Wooooo! I'm so excited! 8 followers as of today! Although I suspect there are a few of you lurking out there (and by "suspect"..... I mean "know").

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who takes time out of their undoubtedly busy day to look at my humble blog (and especially those of you who check it multiple times a day even when you know I've been in class and no way did I update between when you asked me five minutes ago and now--Haley, I'm looking at you). I really especially appreciate those of you who take a little extra time to leave me a comment (or two). Me? Fishing? Nope. Just lavishing praise on those divine, darling, cherished readers who drop me a line to let me know someone's out there. Your comments make my day.

Once again, thanks for reading. You have no idea how happy it makes me when people tell me they saw the latest post and it made them laugh, cry, high-five the person sitting next to them, leap up in the air and click their heels, or, you know, just smile. It's nice to know.

Yours truly,

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