Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's important to keep your pet in shape with regular exercise...

...and I am nothing if not a responsible pet owner.

More old (prehistoric, in fact) doodles from my 3rd year Moleskine. School is totally getting in the way of this blog.


  1. now I want a pet dinosaur!

  2. I never took you to be a creationist, but these sketches clearly imply that you believe that the Earth is 5,000 years old and that we co-existed with dinosaurs. Intelligent.

    Despite your obvious hatred of evolution, these are so cute!

  3. Um, FALSE: I clearly live in 2009 P.J.P. (post-Jurassic Park). Did they have leashes or sleeping bag coats in 5000 B.C.? I don't think so.

  4. Haven't you seen Jurassic Park Katie? It's called cloning

  5. Manta- I don't know, I wasn't there.
    Nige- Don't be such an a-hole.
