Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spooky, Scary Snacks

Ok, while these are not strictly comics, they are a form of art, and they took me at least 60% longer than your av-er-age drawing. For your viewing (if not your gustatory) pleasure:


Pack of cupcakes

Lone cupcake

It's those lone cupcakes you have to watch out for. They might just turn out to be really good at boxing, but the fame will go their heads and they'll become total douchebags and ditch the awkward-nerdy-girls-with-overgrown-eyebrows who love them, in favor of the shallow-bitchy-girls-who-wear-extremely- high-cut-underwear, who only love the wolf--I mean cupcake--and not the boy underneath. It all works out in the end though, in case you were wondering.

Yeah, we totally watched "Teen Wolf Too" last night. It was pretty terrible.


  1. You really outdid yourself this time, Man Toe. Five werewolf dance numbers out of five!
