Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things are looking pretty Dire

Sometimes I like to hang out in the natural history museum on campus. It's quiet, it has mummies, and there are skeletons to draw. I'm trying to get better at this.

Fun fact: This is from a cast of a Dire wolf skull, oddly enough from the La Brea Tar Pits, which are sorta-kinda-(20 minutes away from) my 'hood. Redpath Museum only has two, but at the Tar Pits there's a whole creepy glowing backlit wall full of them.

It made me a little homesick.


Note: There will be some new comics in the future (trust me, I've got a backlog of ideas like a mile long, mostly written on the backs of receipts, scraps of paper, rough drafts of essays, etc.), but if you saw my to-do list right now, you might want to give me a hug, or buy me a cookie. Both of which I would gladly accept.


  1. Stop doodling!! I am now level wil doodles!! Ahhhh!!!!!

    I do feel sympathy for you and your massive list of things to do. If I remember, I will buy you a cookie.

  2. Don't worry, you'll be in a comic soon...or two.

  3. And anyways, this isn't tagged as a "doodle," Miss Observant.

  4. Please draw me a human skull just like this. Beatrix Potter style.

    Also, who are you? Don Draper? (With all the doodles on backs of receipts, pieces of paper, etc.)

  5. More doodles!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPu5adYPu6M&feature=related
