Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1

Cherished friends,

My dearest sister and I arrived in London today. Our journey was so long and arduous, it is a wonder we made it at all! Friends of our grandparents, the Davises, sent their driver to collect us. It was all so very novel: can you imagine, driving on the other side of the road! Everything looks so different here: the cabs are not yellow and the streets boast an array of zigzagging dashes and lines. I do not know how the driver, Victor, managed it all.  I spent the ride asking him question upon question; the youngest Miss W, however, could barely keep her eyes open. Jet-lag is such a hardship.

The Davises have a grand home--not only is there a veritable forest in their backyard, but they have an indoor swimming pool! It is so very kind of them to let us stay. Today we met their granddaughters, who ferried us around the bustling streets of London at breakneck speed--until, that is, a burst water main hampered our progress home. My lovely sister and I were far too fatigued for any real adventures today, but with any luck, we wake tomorrow with energized spirits. 

After what was surely our tenth meal of the day, the young Miss W retired, while I explored the Davises' expansive gardens, protected from the light drizzle by my parasol. The air here smells different; the sounds of the birds, too, are unfamiliar and strange. The pigeons here are absolute beasts--louder than the ones at home and as large as dogs, I swear! Hoping to see a fox, although I'd best be cautious: two babies were mauled by rogue foxes that broke into their house just this morning! How simply dreadful!

That is all for now. I have been attempting to stay awake long enough to adjust to the time difference, but now I myself must retire. Good night and goodbye for now. More tomorrow!


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