Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Otter characteristics

So this one time, Alex was talking (probably telling a story we had heard at least four times already) and he finished by saying, "Well, it certainly explains some of my odder characteristics." I must have given him the strangest look, because in the (much longer than I care to admit) pause that followed, I was racking my brain trying to fill in a mental venn diagram between Alex and an otter (which kind? I don't know, he didn't specify). And then it hit me.

It's ok, though because once, Katie's boyfriend was explaining how he was a calf man (you know, like some guys are ass men), and like, a full minute later, Laura was like, "I thought he was talking about baby cows!" High five, Laura. High five.

On another, mostly unrelated note, have you ever seen the Flight of the Conchords "Hilarious Misunderstanding" video?


  1. Why would she walk around carrying the letter "E"?

  2. I remember Chris' story being really confusing when I thought he really liked young cattle..

  3. That WOULD be confusing, if not a little creepy.

  4. It's probably our group's (okay, maybe only select members') casual acceptance of bestiality jokes that led to me holding on to the 'baby cow' interpretation for such an embarrassingly long time.
