Thursday, February 4, 2010

Vagina Monologues

Tomorrow (or more, accurately tonight, since it's nearing 1:30 in the morning) is jam-packed with fun. Nige and I (and anyone else who cares to join us) are going to a screening of "Children of Men" (and if "Children of Men" isn't jam-packed with fun, I don't know what is) for the Sci-Fi class we're not officially taking, and then a group of us is going to see a production of "The Vagina Monologues" (which I've read but never seen; if you don't know what I'm talking about you should look it up--it's super-empowering if you're a lady). 

I'm kinda afraid I embarrassed Nige yesterday (or uh, two days ago, since it's now technically Friday) when we were walking back from the Sci-Fi class we're not officially taking. I feel like I exclaimed this especially loudly, and I'm pretty sure there were some bemused looks shot in our general direction. Oh well. Supposedly there's been enough talk of "What would your vagina say? Where would your vagina go on vacation? etc. etc." lately amongst us ladies that Nigel says he has, and I quote, "become totally inured to that word."

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