Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blast from the past

Several new comics are in the works, but I thought I'd post something that will hopefully keep you all smiling and satisfied: old graffitis from facebook!

From back during the primaries, my pal Tessa's political views section on facebook said Batman/Robin '08. This is what I envisioned.


Nigel is really gullible. I was once telling him a story about my trip to England as a 3-year-old (the only story I actually remember) about getting custard, but then also about how there are hedgehogs all over England. Then I made some crack about how custard and hedgehogs are on the British flag after all, and he said, completely in earnest, "Really?" If I remember correctly, I laughed for a pretty long time.


A birthday card for Tessa.


A 21st birthday card for Shannon. She has a thing about moose. Ask her about it sometime, and she'll tell you a story that will only sort of make sense.


Some sentiment for Emily, upon the removal of her wisdom teeth.


Presented without context.


I'm really good at basketball. Wait, you didn't know that? Also: anyone remember this song?


The Hulk is a never-nude. No, really:


Oh, and this is from back in the day when Katie, Haley and I first became obsessed with "Buffy." Our love of David Boreanaz remains undiminished, but my ability to draw my roommates has significantly improved, if I do say so myself. I can't say much about my ability to draw Angel, however. But you can kinda see the resemblance, right? RIGHT?


Hope you all had fun taking this trip down memory lane with me! 


  1. Who would win in one-on-one: Angela Woodside, Aaron Carter, or the Hulk in jean shorts?

  2. The entire world wins when that happens.

  3. These are awesome, I'm sad people don't use graffiti anymore
