Tuesday, January 5, 2010

American Thanksgiving '09

Ok, now I know what you're thinking: Snowmanta, isn't this a little overdue?

Why yes, it is. But, in my defense, I started it the day after Thanksgiving. That should count for something, yes? It was just a really busy time in my life: my sister was visiting, I had four papers to write, I was probably getting a cold (I was "getting a cold" all the way through the end of finals, though thankfully it never fully manifested itself). Yeah. Busy.

This comic--ridiculing Alex's tendency to repeat his stories, most notoriously this one--comes just in time for him to get back to Montreal today! You're welcome, Alex.

Thank gods Mary Claire has a giant map in her kitchen. It provided us with endless (and by 'endless' I mean like 10 minutes of) entertainment as we played "Pin the Tail on the Globe" and waited out the story we've heard--and questioned the veracity of--far too many times. That's my sister there on the left. Not a great drawing of her--the one in my Christmas comic is much better. Sorry, Diana. Also not a great drawing of the world. Sorry, world.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving '09, all! Or Happy Early Thanksgiving '10, from another perspective.


  1. I'm glad my eyebrows are featured so prominently

  2. Some terrible news, for which I must hang my head in shame.

    ...my father admitted that he was lying to me about that. Goddamn. The thing with Jefferson Airplane is totally true, though.

    Also, I apparently have a tiny head.

  3. Hahahaha. I did acknowledge though that we always did have difficulty believing you.

    As for your tiny head, sorry about that. In my head there was a kind of perspective thing going on, you leaning back or whatnot, but I realize that's not what it looks like.

  4. WHAT! next you'll be telling me there was no ping pong match with Castro... my world is shaken to the core

  5. That happened, Nige. Do you want to see the photos? I think they're on facebook.
