Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a glorious day!

So, I suck. I'm trying to juggle a billion things right now (job hunting, Craigslisting, Europe trip planning, and, oh yeah, a social life) and the bowling pin in this metaphor that is this blog just fell down. I haven't posted since Tuesday (Tuesday?!). Like I said: I suck.

I've been packing (packing?!) my room, and I keep finding little odds and ends. Here's one:
This is from what, like, second year? Weird.

I have so many comic ideas stored up, all I need is for my damn friends to leave me alone, my perfect job to land in my lap, a travel agent, and someone to buy all of my furniture. But until then....

Sorry for the dry spell. I will catch up. I WILL!!!


  1. Pissing off friends so that they leave you alone: check.

  2. I've been thinking about this a lot, and I think that I need to watch more sports. One more thing to juggle, OH NO!!!!!!!
