Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tale as old as time

So as of yesterday morning, I decided to start writing down my dreams again, in the hopes that I will over time remember them better. I've heard that's a thing. Anyways, last night I dreamt that I had adapted "Beauty and the Beast" for the stage (never mind that it's been done already) and it was going to be performed at McGill tomorrow (tomorrow being Thursday night, of course) and I was playing the Beast (of course). Most of the dream consisted of me frantically running around trying to figure out outfits, because in addition to never having rehearsed the play, we did not have costumes. The end result? A black blazer, fake vampire teeth, and my hair in two buns on top of my head (like ears!)

And then I nearly walked out of my house without an outfit for when I turned back into a hot prince.


I just realized that this must be why, playing with my hair today, I put it into two buns, which I never do. Snarked Katie: "What are you, a Spice Girl?" 

Also, Note: This doodle is from like, fifty billion years ago (and by fifty billion, I mean like, three). But I just found it! I don't know why it says "Curls" on the side of the chair. Maybe it was a description of the style, or maybe I was trying out a pseudonym. Your guess is as good as mine.

(You can tell they're meant to be because they have THE SAME HAIR)

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I like that your weird dream led you to re-create an even weirder hairstyle.

    Are the nineties coming back??
