Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

In the hopes of forestalling the inevitable eye roll that will undoubtedly accompany your perusal of the title of this post, know that there will be no mention of diets, unreasonable exercise regimes, or bad habits in need of kicking on this list. Everyone knows those are just uncreative and will fail within the first few weeks of 2010 anyways.

So here, as follows, are my New Year's Resolutions--a more specific and hopefully do-able to-do list than last list, or the list before that, or the list before that.... 
(1) Learn how to make:
          - sourdough bread
          - cinnamon rolls
          - stovetop cheese
          - frosting roses
          - tamales

(2) Expand the range of facial expressions I'm capable of drawing

(3) Get better at drawing feet

(4) Back up my computer on an external hard drive, just in cases

(5) As per Tessa's request: get into Lady Gaga

(6) And hey! Here's one that will directly benefit you, MTTPL fans: Create one piece of 2D art at least as large as a notecard every single day (a challenge I plan on undertaking with Tessa, as per her suggestion)

(7) Taking a page from Haley's book: get SCUBA certified

(8) Eat at the Alpenhaus....finally

(Note: this list is currently under construction, as I will continue to add to it until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Feel free to post your own reasonable resolutions in the comments section. I'm curious to see what high hopes you have for yourself in the coming decade.)


  1. Some of these no one will really appreciate, but here are a few goals for 2010:

    1) Learn the number and position of every Liverpool, England and Dutch player
    2) Read at least one book by each of Patricia Hill Collins, Angela Davis, and Audre Lourde
    3) Read "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving. I swear to god, I try to every year, and every year I fail.
    4) Read "Can the Subaltern Speak?" by Spivak, and understand it. So many essays that I read reference it.
    5) Make a comment on Jezebel, and have someone promote it/respond to it in a way that isn't discrediting and criticizing it
    6) Untag myself in all of the unflattering photos on Facebook so that I have a hope of getting a job in this lifetime
    7) I should back up my hard drive as well. That is the only one of Manta's resolutions that I share. The rest I resolve not to do.
    8) Finally go to physiotherapy for my knees so that I can run again
    9) Make Manta a sports fan

  2. I like the idea of you becoming a Gaga fan. And I'm with both of you on backing up my hard drive. Disaster waiting to happen.

    In 2010, I will:
    1) Drink at least 2 glasses of water per day.
    2) Read 'Sperm Wars' (Katie's autobiography).
    3) NOT watch 'The Holiday' (sorry Katie, that failed in the very end of '09).
    4) Get SCUBA certified.
    5) Spit out gum instead of swallowing it.
    6) Learn how to cook 5 meals.
    7) Wear appropriate outdoor footwear 50% of the time. (This will be my greatest challenge.)
    8) Bixi.
    9) Be in more than zero photos.

