Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Best Kind of Day*

*With a special guest appearance by the leaves from "Pocahontas"

Chances are I've complained to you about this before, but I would like to take this time to draw attention to a very serious issue in a public forum. For some unknown reason, by the time October rolls around in Montreal, there is not a single kernel of candy corn to be found. Now some might suggest that this is perhaps indicative of Montrealers liking candy corn a little TOO much--so much that just as soon as it goes on sale the last week of September, it's gone. But to that I say, "why not restock?" Rather, I happen to be of the opinion that Montreal does not appreciate the value of this seasonal candy. It has been my misfortune many a time to ask a grocery/drug store employee if their store carries candy corn, only to be greeted by a blank stare. Not know what candy corn is? The horror! As a result, I have gone candy corn-less the last three Halloweens, and truly, what is Halloween without candy corn?

Hence the three boxes I cradled lovingly in my arms as I walked home yesterday from Pharmaprix, to be saved until October, and rationed afterwards.

I am not alone in my candy corn love. For more candy corn art and appreciation, check out Tessa's blog.

Now I turn the discussion to you, readers: candy corn--yay! or neigh? (And unless you are of the equine persuasion, I better not see any of the latter).


  1. Yay, of course.

    Although, I have to's one of those things I can totally have too much of.

  2. I'm glad you're blowing the lid off this phenomenon. It's a real, not to mention delicious, social issue that needs to be addressed!

    I still haven't eaten any candy corn yet, despite having a bag waiting for me. It's just still too damn hot outside.

  3. I dont think I've ever actually eaten candy corn, but I remeber making art with it in junior school... sacrilege I know

  4. Re: Alex
    I suppose...but I my candy corn ceiling is pretty high.

    Re: Tessa
    Thank you for your support! And I'm all in favor (as you can see) of being prepared, but delaying the gratification, like those kids in that marshmallow experiment.

    Re: Nigel
    We are going to have to remedy that situation. You are hereby cordially invited (even though I sort of unofficially invited you already) to at least one of our Halloween movie nights, at which time there will be candy corn served.
