Thursday, April 22, 2010

Passover Comics

I realize these are a little late but I've been busy.

This still makes me giggle. Weirder still was that after, Alex leans over, starts messing with the stack of broken matzo pieces, breaking them into smaller ones. He then looks up, and yells "NIgel!" Needless to say, we were confused. 


We were reading by flashlight. It was hard to see.


So, there's this game called "What?" where everyone writes their answer to a question and then the group tries to guess who wrote each answer. One of the questions was "If you were a Red Sox fan working at a restaurant and a bunch of Yankees fans walked in, what would you do?" Some of the answers ranged from "spit in their food" to "roofie-laxative combo." Mine? Um....I had trouble thinking of an answer. "Mix up their orders on purpose" I put. And I got laughed at. Laura is referencing that here.

Also, at the risk of offending someone, please note that I played a little fast and loose with the requirements of the Seder plate since: a) I'm a vegetarian (therefore, no lamb shank), b) I didn't feel like hard-boiling an egg (and chocolate > eggs any day), and c) no way am I wasting money on horseradish--yuck.




That's Haley in the background, furiously ransacking the house for the missing matzo. Mary Claire and Laura declined to join in. Laura ended up eating her words when I revealed that the prize was not, in fact, a Cadbury Creme Egg. She did not, however, end up eating the prize. Nige had hidden the matzo in an empty DVD case. Good hiding spot, Nige.


I rented "Prince of Egypt" but the DVD was totally ruined. We ended up watching BBC's "Life" instead.


  1. angela these are so great!
    what ended up being the prize?

  2. Thanks Astrain (which incidentally sounds like some kind of obscure celebrity child name)! I had two other kinds of eggs--a Reese's egg and a marshmallow egg, one of which I gave to Nige for being such a good hider. I can't remember who officially found the matzo after Nige gave us an obvious hint as to its location. Maybe Alex...

    Loving your blog by the way. It's always so exciting when I see you've updated.

    You should follow me officially! I would be pleased as punch to have a 14th follower.
