Sunday, February 6, 2011

Final Post, Finally.

It's time, you guys. This post is way overdue, but like many a misguided TV show that ran too long, I just didn't know when to say "when." More Than This Provincial Life has been de facto done for many months now, but rather than going out with a bang, I let it go out with a...well, not quite a whimper, but something along those lines. I really enjoyed its run, and I hope you did too. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting. You have no idea how much your words of encouragement meant to me.

But now, on to the next adventure. For those of you who don't know, I got an internship with the California Condor Recovery Program. It's pretty much what I've always wanted to do, and I feel so honored and honestly baffled that someone is actually giving me the chance to. For the next four to six months, I will be trekking around the southern California wilderness, carrying cow carcasses to feeding sites (delightful!), observing condors from afar, and maybe even up close! I kind of can't wait, which is just as well, since I start tomorrow morning.  You guys, I'm going to be doing science!

I'll leave you with one last image, which should give you a pretty good idea of the quality of data I hope to be producing:


This blog's title is a reference to a lyric from one of the songs in Beauty and the Beast, in which Belle yearns for "more than this provincial life." It seems only fitting to end with one more: 

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell."

I couldn't have said it better myself. My adventure won't be glamorous, and it definitely won't be easy, but it will certainly make for some good stories. So have no fear, I'm already brainstorming ideas for a new blog. I promise to keep you posted.

Until then.


  1. Oh--this post gave me chills! and I'm looking forward to vicarious thrills! (In fact, I'm thinking a blog of exclamation points is probably in order.)
    This blog has been a joy to read and I look forward to your next one.

  2. I'm getting the chills too, humming Belle's song and thinking about you out there with the sweet little birdies (condors are the tiny birds who flap their wings really, really fast, right?).
    Love you!
